Learn how to save data to Google Spreadsheet from Unity 3D to save user and game data without using any plugin or SDK. With help of this tutorial you can create survey apps, newsletter subscription and many other ideas on your Unity App without having to worry for databases. Store all the information on Google Sheet from Unity.

Difficulty Level : Beginner

Total Time for Project: 15 minutes

Extra Skills:

  • Browser Inspect Element or View Source code and Find (Ctrl + F) 
  • Google Forms

Github: https://github.com/luzan/Unity-Google-Spreadsheet
StackOverflow: https://stackoverflow.com/q/44200938/1939163

How to save data to Google Spreadsheet from Unity 3D

Basic Workflow:

Here we’ll be creating a Google Form that will save the responses to the Google Spreadsheet an using few tricks we will replicate that form into our Unity App, so that the data to the Google Form will now be feed from Unity App.

So, our first step is to create a Google Form. Login to Google Forms with Google Account and create a Google form. New Google Form will have fields and entries that are similar to what you are trying to keep on unity app.

After creation of Form, start a Unity Project and create similar form on the 2D Canvas by adding Input Fields. This is my form in Unity.

Now, add the script to the Canvas Component.

C# – Save Data to Google Sheet

using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.UI;

public class SendToGoogle : MonoBehaviour {

    public GameObject username;
    public GameObject email;
    public GameObject phone;

    private string Name;
    private string Email;
    private string Phone;

    private string BASE_URL = "https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeAC0CYd1m9hvphv28eSv-ot4lZpszLDUmQa_B76vAEjZ-6Ow/formResponse";

    IEnumerator Post(string name, string email, string phone) {
        WWWForm form = new WWWForm();
        form.AddField("entry.1673653496", name);
        form.AddField("entry.1422402232", email);
        form.AddField("entry.1022174842", phone);
        byte[] rawData = form.data;
        WWW www = new WWW(BASE_URL, rawData);
        yield return www;
    public void Send() {
        Name = username.GetComponent<InputField>().text;
        Email = email.GetComponent<InputField>().text;
        Phone = phone.GetComponent<InputField>().text;
        StartCoroutine(Post(Name, Email, Phone));


Up to this step, every component of the UI should be connected to the script, and you are ready to go.

Few things on the scripts are achieved from Source Code of the Google Forms, to get that follow these steps.

  1. Right click Google Form Page and click View page source (CTRL + U)
  2. Press CTRL + F to find, and type “form action” from here you’ll get BASE_URL.
  3. Now we need to get entry fields, on same page search for “input type=”text” “, and copy the data inside attribute name (Tip: starts with entry.NUMBER). Remember type can vary for every field according to the type you select during form creation. eg. entry.1673653496

Now, App is ready to run. Watch video for more detailed information.